Installing and comparing MySQL/MariaDB, MongoDB, Vertica, Hive and Impala (Part 1)

impalaA common thing a data analyst does in his day to day job is to run aggregations of data by generally summing and averaging columns using different filters. When tables start to grow to hundreds of millions or billions of rows, these operations become extremely expensive and the choice of a database engine is crucial. Indeed, the more queries an analyst can run during the day, the better he can be at understanding the data.

In this post, we’re going to install 5 popular databases on Linux Ubuntu (12.04):

  • MySQL / MariaDB 10.0: Row based database
  • MongoDB 2.4: NoSQL database
  • Vertica Community Edition 6: Columnar database (similar to Infobright, InfiniDB, …)
  • Hive 0.10: Datawarehouse built on top of HDFS using Map/Reduce
  • Impala 1.0:  Database implemented on top of HDFS (compatible with Hive) based on Dremel that can use different data formats (raw CSV format, Parquet columnar format, …)

Then we’ll provide some scripts to populate them with some test data, run some simple aggregation queries and measure the response time. The tests will be run on only one box without any tuning using a relatively small dataset (160 million rows) but we’re planning on running more thorough tests in the cloud later with much bigger datasets (billions of rows). This is just to give a general idea on the performance of each of the database.
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Playing with Apache Hive and SOLR

As described in a previous post, Apache SOLR can perform very well to provide low latency analytics. Data logs can be pre-aggregated using Hive and then synced to SOLR. To this end, we developed a simple Storage Handler for SOLR so that data can be read and written to SOLR transparently using an external table.

We will show in this post how to install our SOLR storage handler and then run a simple example where we sync some data from Hive to SOLR.
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Using SOLR Cloud as a NoSQL database for low latency analytics

SOLR is a popular full text search engine based on Lucene. Not only is it very efficient to search documents but it is also very fast to run simple queries on relational data and unstructured data and can be used as a NoSQL database. SOLR4 was released recently and now includes SOLR Cloud that allows to scale SOLR by using sharding and replication.

Although SOLR is very fast for operations such as filtering, sorting and pagination, it does not support aggregations (similar to SELECT item_id, SUM(purchases) FROM t GROUP BY item_id in SQL) so they have to be aggregated in advance. We will show in this post how to install SOLR Cloud and then illustrate it with a simple e-commerce example where we describe how one can use SOLR Cloud to provide very responsive analytics. Finally we will provide some hints on how to design a schema to deal with pre-aggregations.

Use Case

Let’s consider an e-commerce site that stores the volume of monthly purchases for each item.

For that we will consider the following table items:

  name VARCHAR(256),
  year INTEGER,
  month INTEGER,
  shipping_method INTEGER,
  us_sold INTEGER,
  ca_sold INTEGER,
  fr_sold INTEGER,
  uk_sold INTEGER

The items table will contain for each item and for each month the number of purchases for each country (we only used 4 countries but you can use many more).

They are also broken up by different shipping methods:

  • 1: Fedex Overnight
  • 2: UPS ground 2-3 days
  • 3: UPS ground 3-5 days saver (free shipping)
  • 0: any shipping method (sum of all of the above)

We suppose that we have a responsive UI (that will use sorting and pagination) where analysts can have a very fast response time for queries like:

  • What are my best selling products in America (US and CA)?
  • What are my worst sales for Christmas 2012 for the product X in Europe that used Fedex overnight?
  • What are my sales for item X over the last 10 years broken up by shipping method

SOLR Cloud Architecture

SOLR runs inside a servlet container (e.g., Jetty, Tomcat, …). Because SOLR cloud shards and replicates the data across the different nodes in the cluster, every node has to know who is in charge of which shard. This information is stored in ZooKeeper that can be seen as a shared filesystem used to store shared data but also to do more complex things such as synchronization and leader election. ZooKeeper can also be distributed on multiple nodes to form a ZooKeeper ensemble to ensure fault resiliency.

We will consider in our architecture 2 nodes that will each has SOLR running and ZooKeeper as depicted in the figure below.


Replication and Partitioning

In order to scale data there are two different things one can do:
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Using Hadoop Pig with MongoDB

In this post, we’ll see how to install MongoDB support for Pig and we’ll illustrate it with an example where we join 2 MongoDB collections with Pig and store the result in a new collection.


Building Mongo Hadoop

We’re going to use the GIT project  developed by 10gen but with a slightly modification that we made. Because the Pig language doesn’t support variable that starts with underscore (e.g., _id) which is used in MongoDB, we added the ability to use it by replacing the _ prefix with u__ so _id becomes u__id.

First get the source:

$ git clone

Compile the Hadoop pig part of it:

$ ./sbt package
$ ./sbt mongo-hadoop-core/package
$ ./sbt mongo-hadoop-pig/package
$ mkdir ~/pig_libraries
$ cp ./pig/target/mongo-hadoop-pig-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
./target/mongo-hadoop-core-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ~/pig_libraries

Running a join query with Pig on MongoDB collections

One of the thing you can’t do in MongoDB is to do a join between 2 collections. So let’s see how we can do it simply with a pig script.
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Playing with Hadoop Pig

Hadoop Pig is a tool to manipulate data from various sources (CSV file, MySQL, MongoDB, …) using a procedural language (Pig Latin). It can run standalone or distributed with Hadoop. Unlike Hive, it can manipulate non-relational data and do things like aggregations, joins (including left joins), regular expression, sorting, …

In our post, in order to simplify we will consider only standalone executions of Pig.

To install Pig in Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install hadoop-pig

Let’s take a simple example by considering the geo location database from Maxmind. Download the latest GeoLite City file in CSV format (e.g., ) from:

The file in the zip we’re interested in is GeoLiteCity-Location.csv.

Let’s remove the header from the csv file:

$ tail -n +3  GeoLiteCity-Location.csv > location.csv

Let’s first start by loading the CSV file and display it:

data = LOAD 'location.csv' USING PigStorage(',')
       AS (locId, country, region, city, postalCode,
           latitude, longitude, metroCode, areaCode);
dump data;

To run it:

$ pig -x local script.pig

The first line maps the different columns in the CSV to fields which are by default chararray (e.g., city:chararray).
Let’s get rid of information we don’t need and only keep city, region and country:

cities = FOREACH data GENERATE city, region, country;

Now let’s only keep US cities where the city name is set:

usCities = FILTER cities BY country == '"US"' AND city != '""';

Now let’s try to see what city names are popular, i.e., see how many states use the city names.
In SQL, the query would be something like:
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Installing Storm on Ubuntu

Storm is an open source ETL created by Nathan Marz in late 2011. Unlike Hadoop where data are processed offline in big batches, Storm takes another approach by aggregating streaming data on the fly so that aggregated data are immediately available. It is scalable, fault tolerant (no data loss guarantee) and the benchmarks showed that every node can process over a million tuples per seconds.

We describe below the different steps to install Storm in Ubuntu Linux describing the issues we had during the process.
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