Classifiying documents using Naive Bayes on Apache Spark / MLlib

Apache SparkIn recent years, Apache Spark has gained in popularity as a faster alternative to Hadoop and it reached a major milestone last month by releasing the production ready version 1.0.0. It claims to be up to a 100 times faster by leveraging the distributed memory of the cluster and by not being tied to the multi stage execution of Map/Reduce. Like Hadoop, it offers a similar ecosystem with a database (Shark SQL), a machine learning library (MLlib), a graph library (GraphX) and many other tools built on top of Spark. Finally Spark integrates well with Scala and one can manipulate distributed collections just like regular Scala collections and Spark will take care of distributing the processing to the different workers.

In this post, we describe how we used Spark / MLlib to classify HTML documents using the popular Reuters 21578 collection of documents that appeared on Reuters newswire in 1987 as a training set.
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Using the Mahout Naive Bayes Classifier to automatically classify Twitter messages (part 2: distribute classification with hadoop)


In this post, we are going to categorize the tweets by distributing the classification on the hadoop cluster. It can make the classification faster if there is a huge number of tweets to classify.

To go through this tutorial you would need to have run the commands in the post Using the Mahout Naive Bayes Classifier to automatically classify Twitter messages.

To distribute the classification on the hadoop nodes, we are going to define a mapreduce job:

  • the csv containing the tweets to classify is split into several chunks
  • each chunk is sent to the hadoop node that will process it by running the map class
  • the map class loads the naive bayes model and some document/word frequency into memory
  • for each tweet of the chunk, it computes the best matching category. The result is written in the output file. We are not using a reducer class as we don’t need to do aggregations.

To download the code used in this post, you can fetch it from github:

$ git clone

To compile the project:

$ mvn clean package assembly:single

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Finding association rules with Mahout Frequent Pattern Mining

s_elephant_monkeyAssociation Rule Learning is a method to find relations between variables in a database. For instance, using shopping receipts, we can find association between items: bread is often purchased with peanut butter or chips and beer are often bought together. In this post, we are going to use the Mahout Frequent Pattern Mining implementation to find the associations between items using a list of shopping transactions. For details on the algorithms(apriori and fpgrowth) used to find frequent patterns, you can look at “The comparative study of apriori and FP-growth algorithm” from Deepti Pawar.

EDIT 2014-01-08: updated link to data sample marketbasket.csv (old link was dead). Corrected lift computation. Thanks Felipe F. for pointing the error in the formula.
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Generating EigenFaces with Mahout SVD to recognize person faces


In this tutorial, we are going to describe how to generate and use eigenfaces to recognize people faces.
Eigenfaces are a set of eigenvectors derived from the covariance matrix of the probability distribution of the high-dimensional vector space of possible faces of human beings. It can be used to identify a face on a picture from a person face database very quickly. In this post, we’ll not give much details on the mathematical aspects but if you are interested on those, you can look at the excellent post Face Recognition using Eigenfaces and Distance Classifiers: A Tutorial from the Onionesque Reality Blog.

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Using the Mahout Naive Bayes Classifier to automatically classify Twitter messages

mahout2Classification algorithms can be used to automatically classify documents, images, implement spam filters and in many other domains. In this tutorial we are going to use Mahout to classify tweets using the Naive Bayes Classifier. The algorithm works by using a training set which is a set of documents already associated to a category. Using this set, the classifier determines for each word, the probability that it makes a document belong to each of the considered categories. To compute the probability that a document belongs to a category, it multiplies together the individual probability of each of its word in this category.  The category with the highest probability is the one the document is most likely to belong to.

To get more details on how the Naive Bayes Classifier is implemented, you can look at the mahout wiki page.

This tutorial will give you a step-by-step description on how to create a training set, train the Naive Bayes classifier and then use it to classify new tweets.

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Playing with the Mahout recommendation engine on a Hadoop cluster

Elephant and riderApache Mahout is an open source library which implements several scalable machine learning algorithms. They can be used among other things to categorize data, group items by cluster, and to implement a recommendation engine.

In this tutorial we will run the Mahout recommendation engine on a data set of movie ratings and show the movie recommendations for each user.

For more details on the recommendation algorithm, you can look at the tutorial from Jee Vang.


  • Java (to run hadoop)
  • Hadoop (used by Mahout)
  • Mahout
  • Python (use to show the result)

Running Hadoop

In this section, we are going to describe how to quickly install and configure hadoop on a single machine.
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